Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Kara was spider man, Karisa was a cat and Kelly was a bride. They had a wonderfull time in these great costumes.

These are our humungus pumpkins. I think the two big ones were about 30 lbs each.

Well, we made it to halloween. Alright, I'm past halloween, but I guess that's alright. I'm sloow at this blogger stuff. Takes me a while to load pictrues from camera to computer and then put on blog. But we are doing well. We are getting excited about birthdays here at our house. We have two coming up in December. Anyway, just wanted to share some pictures of our halloween with all of you guys.

1 comment:

  1. The girls look great! Did those pumpkins get carved? We look forward to seeing you guys really soon! Happy Birthday to Karisa and Kelly very, very soon! There are cards are in the mail! :)
